Master Conversationalists: Prairie Dogs
1 438 0 Comment on Conversationalists Wanted
Posted in Inspiration Looking For Models

Conversationalists Wanted

Jed Johnson Tower - Change of Pace
1 378 0 Comment on Change of Pace
Posted in Nature Oklahoma

Change of Pace

Plato's Cave
0 620 0 Comment on Photography and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Posted in Industry Looking For Models

Photography and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Weed Bias
1 507 0 Comment on Battling Bias Based On Origins
Posted in The Important Things

Battling Bias Based On Origins

0 150 0 Comment on Illuminating A Beacon Dimmed
Posted in The Important Things

Illuminating A Beacon Dimmed

The Way Ahead
0 162 0 Comment on Silently Pondering The Way Ahead
Posted in Admin

Silently Pondering The Way Ahead

Absurdity, Chaos, and Voids
0 161 0 Comment on Absurdity, Chaos, and Absolute Void
Posted in The Important Things

Absurdity, Chaos, and Absolute Void

Clear Skies
1 338 0 Comment on Clear Skies Abundant With Hope
Posted in Inspiration

Clear Skies Abundant With Hope

Looking for Fresh Faces
0 431 0 Comment on Looking For Fabulous, Fresh Faces
Posted in Looking For Models

Looking For Fabulous, Fresh Faces

October Decorations
1 508 0 Comment on Flawless Beginning To October Festivities
Posted in Halloween Nature Oklahoma

Flawless Beginning To October Festivities

Simple Solace
1 379 0 Comment on Simple Solace of Urban Wildlife
Posted in Gallery Nature Oklahoma

Simple Solace of Urban Wildlife

Sunrise Scouting
1 359 0 Comment on Stunning Saturday Sunrise for Scouting
Posted in Inspiration Nature Oklahoma

Stunning Saturday Sunrise for Scouting

The Gold Dome
0 363 0 Comment on Aesthetic Architecture of OKC
Posted in Oklahoma

Aesthetic Architecture of OKC

Excavating with the Urban Archaeologist
1 244 0 Comment on Excavating Memories of Forgotten History
Posted in Oklahoma The Important Things

Excavating Memories of Forgotten History

Throwback Thursday Redux
0 502 0 Comment on Redux Time: Model By Music
Posted in Inspiration Looking For Models

Redux Time: Model By Music

Simple Things - Frog on screen
1 336 0 Comment on Simple Reminders Life Isn’t So Hard
Posted in The Important Things

Simple Reminders Life Isn’t So Hard

Dirty Water
1 316 0 Comment on Love That Dirty Water
Posted in The Important Things

Love That Dirty Water

ReaperCon 2023 Silver
1 375 0 Comment on Reaping the Benefits of ReaperCon
Posted in Inspiration Miniatures

Reaping the Benefits of ReaperCon