Roundabout Nostalgia and Runway Memories

For the first time in several years, I found myself sitting across the table from a model to discuss collaborating. This used to be the norm but times have changed. Too few people want to take the time to actually talk before a session. It can make a world of difference. You blow past the awkward meeting phase and answer all the ifs, ands, and buts without a camera in the way. One of the fun parts is seeing the passion the other party has about their past work. This time, our talk brought about a reminder of the few times I photographed runway fashion.

No, Not That Guy

Shortly after a long hospitalization over six years ago, I received an email asking if I was available to shoot New York Fashion Week. At the time, there was no way I could make it happen, mostly due to my immediate health issues. But, then, I also questioned if they had the right person. Over the years, I have interacted with at least two photographers of the same name. I know of others, but I am apparently the easiest to confuse with these gentleman. One was an accomplished action photographer, well known for his cycling photography. The other is a fashion photographer who is always on point. I was pretty certain it was the latter the designer was trying to find, not me.

Runway Fashion in OKC

The extent of my runway work has been relatively limited. I have done photography and video for a modeling workshop that covered runway. I assisted a time or two with a local prom dress shop’s runway show. The highlight, up to now, was being packed in like a sardine on a riser at OKC Fashion Week in 2013. Looking back through the images, I can feel the ache in my legs and the concern about space left on my memory card. A close look at the models walking the runway that night shows I have met or photographed at least a half dozen of them. It was a good experience and I’m sure I could do a much better job after a decade’s practice.

Runway Question

I’ll put one question out there to you, dear reader: Are you aware of any runway shows coming up that might have room for a rogue photographer? I know I’ll never be as on point as my fellow photographer in California, but I’m up for pretending. Even better, if you know a designer in need of a photographer to document their catalog, I’ve got a bit of experience there, too.

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