In developing Anything But Ordinary, I spent time thinking about the way we communicate. Of late, it seems that communicating with others has become an increasingly difficult challenge. Personally, I prefer one-on-one interaction, but easily 90% of all conversation I have is digitally based, even with good friends. The difference in face-to-face, spoken word only, and written word can often define a relationship between two parties.
Communication is the exchanging of information, a means of connection between people. It may be further defined as the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings. It is this for which I strive when working with other talent. I want to discuss what we are setting out to do in some form or fashion. If either party has a vision, we explore it together to make sure we are on the same page. If we are simply expressing a desire to work together, it is an opportunity to consider where our creative paths might meet so that we can create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The informal exchange of ideas by spoken words is a conversation. This is what we do with friends when we are solving the world’s problems over a favorite beverage. Or perhaps we can manage it while far apart in this marvelous, digital age. I enjoy a good conversation. Some of my favorite ideas have sprung from a random statement made while discussing a variety of topics. This is where friendships are built as we learn about each other beyond the creative arts we collectively pursue.
Correspondence is communication via the written word. This can be very tedious and very rewarding. Capturing the proper words to convey exactly the tone you wish to portray can be tricky. Waiting for the other person to respond to a missive can be frustrating. On the other hand, when one (or both) of you begin to form a strong concept, it is there. The written word can capture that idea in great detail. The conversation itself becomes the notes for your next production.
What’s Your Point?
Regardless of whether you prefer communication, conversation, or correspondence, ultimately they are all different facets of the same thing: Collaboration. No matter how much we desire to work with each other, we will find greater success after a meaningful exchange. That requires both parties to open up to the possibilities the other brings to the table.
Most of all, it requires you to be present in the moment.