Refreshing Old Themes With New Eyes

Refreshing Point of View

It is always refreshing to work with someone new. There is the challenge of making the connections, learning to communicate with each other. You have to find a collaborate pacing to how and what you create together. Most importantly for me, at this specific point in time, has been the conversations that remind me of where I’ve been and what I have forgotten I knew.

Another Fine Gem

I recently had the opportunity to work with Onyx. At a time when I have been struggling with my “why”, Onyx has been that amazing breath of refreshing air that I need. For our second session, I was coming off of a very busy, half-day of work. My brain was shutting down and I felt a bit disconnected. Part of this was my very intentional attempt to approach the shoot differently. Efficiency and intent the goal, I was loitering in a corner of my brain that usually does a “data dump” when I start creating.

  • Refreshing Session with Onyx

Refreshing My Memory

It took me several years to really pursue working with people as a photographer. The epitome of a wallflower, I still tend to freeze up a bit, even with models I have known for years. I am very mindful that I need to be on my game as both a photographer and a communicator. I am not the best at this. It is a tough journey for me.

This is one reason why I continue to pursue photography. The creative collaborations force me into an uncomfortable situation. In my head, the smart thing is to hide. In my heart, I know that I need to get my head straight. It is time to remind myself of the images that inspired me to work with models. Now is the time I refresh my point of view and push the envelope.

More Of This

I need more shoots like this. If you want to be a part of my photographic journey, I’m a message away. Let me know what you have in mind and we’ll figure out the details from there. In the meantime, don’t forget to pay Onyx a visit on Instagram. Make sure to tell her I sent you!

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