Last we met, I talked about going back to the ol’ grindstone. Yip. I am definitely back to work. So much so that I sat around and forgot to write a blog post for today. Let’s see what I dream up in short order? How about a few random updates?
On the Photography Front
It is time to prepare to renew my Certified Professional Photographer credentials. It is hard to believe it’s been six years, but here we are! This involves tabulating various conferences and trainings. To fill in the gap between where I’m at and where I need to be to fulfill my continuing education obligations, I’ll be watching some PPA education videos. There is a lot of good information out there and it is a good kick in the pants to put my mind right from time to time.
Speaking of photography, I am always looking for new collaborations. How can I help your business, portfolio, or event? Let me know! Most of my past gigs involve taking headshots, either corporate or acting/modeling. I am thinking about doing something different with that during the cold winter months. If the day job allows my mind to function.
Back To Work At The Day Job
Yes, I’ve already harped on this. January and February are particularly busy for one of the offices I assist. Let’s leave it at that. It is going well, but it is a pretty heavy brain drain at the moment.
Gaming and Miniatures
This looks to be another year of fun games and painting miniatures. For the first time in close to twenty years, I got a game of Mordheim in last weekend. It was fun to pull out the old models and terrain and spar with half-remembered rules. In a few weeks, the DnD campaign I’m running should get back on track. Then there is the one I am a player in that is about to take an interesting turn.
For painting? I finished 509 models in 2023. Almost all are what would be considered table-top quality. One earned a silver medal at ReaperCon. This year, I am slowing down a bit. I simply have too much going on and time to paint is narrowing. However, I am hoping to stay ahead, painting more miniatures than are added to the unpainted stock. That could be tricky. We shall see.
There You Have It
My “what can I talk about and type up in five minutes” blog post for today. Not bad? And I didn’t even mention the part about considering doing some video content again. We’ll see.